Sunday, November 22, 2009

birthday girl!

Everyone!!! Listen up!!!

Lets wish our bipolar sis HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Yeap, I dunno why she is in the bath tub la, but...

Adorable! no? XD

Yeap, today is her birthday!!! Shall we ask bipolar sis to post something about herself here?? want want??? =P



mask for masquerade.

We're coming!

After the finals,
that is.



Monday, November 9, 2009

Oh yeah.

I AM wasting my time.

Psychoticness had been rather cold for the past few months, no?

Do apologize us,
as the three of us were SUPERBLY INHUMANLY BUSY.

I'm not joking!

I decided to change our blog's look a little
as I got a kinda bored with the old design.

As for a banner...
Wait till I have time to think about it.



Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hills on the clouded sea.

it might not be spectacular, but it was worthy to be mesmerized.

It had been quite a while I felt so serene
ever since the new semester started.

The sweat and pain were paid off
by the scenery that I had witnessed.

taken at Broga Hill